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Our Story

The circus was established in December 2011. And as any successful story evolves, we had our set of challenges, right at the begining, few weeks after it was built, with a cyclone that took away the entire roof. 

We then rebuilt it and had the inauguration in February 2012

The circus opened its doors to the schools of Auroville.

A few schools then, created circus arts as a part of their schedule.

We now have students from age 5 and above.

The space invites and hosts a lot of professional artists from around the world who share, practice and train their art along with us.

It provides as a platform for a cultural and artistic exchange among circus artists, dancers and acrobats.

Through the evolutionary process of Eluciole, afrter 4yrs, the roof started getting worn out. We needed to rebuild it to increase the height of the roof to add equipment and take our students to the next level

The new roof gives us amazing possibilities to go higher in our inner development through increased levels of training.

At this point, in the life of Eluciole there is again a new challenge to be faced - A leaking roof due to a mistake in the construction, which needs to be serviced as soon as possible because it obstructs the classes and sessions during the monsoons and damages the equipment. 

If you feel like supporting us, in this new phase, please go to our donation page. It will be deeply appreciated so that our magical space can continue to exist.


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